Our feelings are very strong and our psychic senses easy to tap into. We just need to understand what we're looking for. And because that people rubbish the unseen then it makes all this stuff a bit weird seeming and taboo. However what's weird about wind? You can't see wind but you can see and feel the effects of it. There's too much beaurocracy, taboo and elements of control in the world of popular science I feel that keeps the world away from studying factors of the unseen, like the psychic, mystical, and supernatural experience. It's all doubted, rubbished and misinformed. That's why it makes it difficult to understand these experiences sometimes when we ourselves have them. But if you're confident in your own intuition and personal intelligence then it's not a problem. We can experience and believe whatever we feel true to do so. So long as it makes sense to ourselves and doesn't hurt anyone else. That's my belief about it.
Every single person we know if we close our eyes can be felt as a feeling within ourselves. Go try it. Close your eyes and feel your partner, child or friend. Feel how they feel and see your inner vision of what they look like. You might even see that the inner vision takes on life of it's own showing you something about their life and character that's normally hidden. It might show you some experience they're having at this very time even though they're not physically with you. The information that's shown to us in these inner visionary realms reflect the subconscious more-so than the conscious. So you may see your friend or partner doing weird or erratic things in your minds eye but when you see them physically they appear the same, normal as usual. But what we see of people here is what's resident in their own inner thoughts and emotional world.
Meditate, dive deeper and you'll see and feel a lot about your own inner world learning deeper things about yourself far beyond the day to day realities we might be active within. Becoming more conscious means making the unconscious conscious. And anyone who has worked on themselves to make more conscious their unconscious, is far deeper in their perception, knowledge and understanding of life than the average Jack or Jill. What this means to anyone is up to you. But learning the deeper aspects of ourselves means learning the deeper aspects of life. There's far more to life than what meets the shopping shelves or television screen. Get out there into nature and dive deeper into the consciousness of the planet. See how rich we are in our experience and how more gratifying the world can be when we open up deeper to our inner consciousness.
Mystical realms of beauty and delight await every single one of us with bravery to dive deep into the resolution of our own unconsciousness. The resolution of the pains and insecurities that keep us bobbling on the surface of day to day life with all it's mediocrity and blame. Go deeper beyond blame and seek out the authenticity of yourself, become a responsible human with great power over your own experience and life outcomes. Dive deep into the wonders of your own soul, and save it perhaps from any gruesome demise at the hands of your own inner misgivings and hostilities of behaviour.
Make the supernatural natural and you'll see that it's not all that daft, weird or stupid. It's real life as we come to know it. Far deeper and more normal than anything we've been taught at the hands of the people we've allowed so far to run our own show!
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