Hey, come on...give yourself and other people a break

I've worked so hard over these recent years to find my own voice, to heal and grow beyond the repressions of my psyche. The deep wounding inside of me, the density and discomfort made manifest from over 30 years of self doubt, shyness, and blame. Mostly at the hands of my reactions to outer criticism and condemnation from different people in different moments throughout my life. It's taken a long time, but these days in acknowledging the issues I've gotten busy in reversing the unconscious trends.

Michael Jackson reversing unconscious trends
Why should I or any of us react negatively to what other people think of us? That's their issue. For goodness sake it's everything our parents, teachers, friends, bosses and so on have been telling us all along. "Just be yourself...". But then they've often been the one's too who've criticised and condemned us! ;-) Where do their tendencies to do so come from? Yes, from the same place ... from their shadows of self doubt, shyness, and blame. The judgements and projections that you've often been on the receiving end of throughout your days. Sorry about that ;-)
Obama condemning people
So how is this resolved then?


It just takes some awareness and appropriate discipline enough to follow through. For-instance become aware of when you might blame, complain, and put other people down. That's easy, like me you've probably done this quite a lot and still do inwardly and outwardly. Just notice and stop doing it, gradually it peters out and disappears from your mind. Hey freedom!

Also acknowledge each moment when you feel reluctant to express yourself, especially when you know you really should. Watch out for that, the inner dullness and defence that you hide behind. When you internalise your own voice instead of telling it outwards.

Internalising emotion causes repression within our psyche leading to things like depression, anger and issues of control. This then further manifests as physical illness. It's easy to see. It effects us and everyone around us. Scary stuff.

But now you know!! And here's the key's in summary to resolve it, put them into practise if you can....
  • Be patient and give people a wide berth to be who they are, even when you know they're being silly or wrong. Treat people kindly and with respect as best you can. You're doing yourself a favour more than they.
  • When you feel to express yourself do it!! And when you do just let it come out. Face being wrong or ridiculed, get over that hump and try your best not to blame or complain towards other people any-time you have something to say. That's it.
Gradually you'll resolve the inner repressions and discomfort. Your mind will get clearer and calmer, life become's easier and you'll be more happy and healed! How does it get any better than that? ;-)

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