Creative freedom

So what then is important in the journey of making a living from our own creativity and passion? Here's 8 essential points that will support whatever it is you choose to do:

Believe in yourself

Be comfortable in what you know and express it honestly as best you can. There will always be someone greater and more skilful in your field but nothing can replace you. What's important is that your friends, clients and customers feel comfortable in relating with or doing business with you. The trust of others is a by product of our own self belief.

Learn to handle criticism

Feedback is necessary for growth and betterment. If we want to be good at what we do then it's always helpful to find out from others how they find us in our work. Be thankful for that. Criticism from others however given without respect is not worth engaging, it will sap you of your energy. You can't convince other people to like you nor can you change a mind that doesn't wish to be changed.

Be as self sufficient as is possible

It's important to build our own strength and to have our practicalities organised in a way that supports the throughput of our passion. Relying on the acceptance of other people whilst we ourselves are not organised nor focused in what we want to achieve is a recipe for failure and troublesome relationship. Make sure your goals can be achieved with you alone as once you 'get there' you'll meet other self sufficient people that you can partner with on a more professional basis for the benefit of both your work.

Learn what you need to know

If we're starting a business selling a particular product then it's helpful to learn basic marketing, especially on-line marketing. Use Google! We can also educate ourselves with workshops or training courses if we need to support any areas we wish to improve upon. Absolute care and honesty must be considered though that you're not wasting your time in avoiding the real work that needs to be done. Use the additional trainings only as a compliment to your work, don't let them get in the way of real progress towards your goals.

Develop vision

What is it that you wish to achieve, can you see it in your minds eye? If you can see it then you can achieve it. Step by step, but remember flexibility, allow our vision to grow and to change naturally as it will. Don't hold on to it so tightly that it becomes an impediment to your creative freedom. If the vision at any time seems restrictive then it's a sign you've outgrown it, so let it go and change.

Know thyself

There are days when we get a lot of work done and other days that our creative inspiration runs dry. Don't worry about it. Learn to navigate these internal weather patterns and to trust in life's process. Use the dry times for doing other things practical or for taking a break.

Let go your creations

When speaking with others we can only control what we say, we can't control how they respond. We plant seeds and look after the field but it's the plants that grow by themselves. Trying to hands on grow the plants will break them. Allow time for the world to become familiar with who you are and what you do. It's not important that they embrace or reject you. What's important is that we accept ourselves and our own creativity and expression.

Do the work required

This one speaks for itself   ;-)



  1. ' Ronnie, now ready to listen to you since 'my way' isn't working so swell.
    btw, there is a typo in your DESIGN paragraph. first sentence has 2 'is's instead of 'is' 'it'

  2. Oh thanks for that Cynthia will fix that when I get back to my computer.
    I'm glad you have a feeling for my work, I've lot's to share.
