Life mission and soul purpose

People talk about their life mission or soul purpose, and I have always felt that I too have some sort of purpose here beyond the mundane mediocrity of life. But when I truly reflect on what that might be I see first and foremost that my mission here is one of self healing. To unwind back out from the dysfunctional labyrinth that this life journey has taken me. A journey that's saw me externalise my sense of security giving my power away to the authoritative influences in my life, clutching dependently upon the addictive vices and slovenly comforts of this modern world. Dissociated from the true felt sense of what I am whilst trading my experiential knowing for the soul destroying distractions and popularised opinions of everyone else.

On this journey back out from the labyrinth I quit my addictions and gave up most my comforts. I spent years healing much of my woundedness whilst getting back in touch with nature, my creativity, and trueness. And I changed my life experience away from the controlling influences of a psychologically deranged society that's half asleep to itself. It hasn't been easy and many sacrifices have been made. It's also caused a bit of a hoohaa of unfavourable opinion towards me along the way. Which in itself showed me how trapped before I really was. No-one however need adopt the perceived ideas of any other persons craziness. Better instead to reflect upon our own integrity first. 

When one person shakes free from the flock the rest of the flock is affected, causing them to reflect upon themselves and to question their own situation. It's a good thing. But mostly of course the flock will make the other person out to be crazy, mad, or wrong. Even though they've no idea what's going on in the other persons experience. They only can perceive, judge, classify in relation to the commonly held beliefs of which they've been spoon fed or have adopted from the rest of the flock.  

But the healing starts from here because the flock will never be the same and will always have this question about the other person in their mind, unable to come to terms with why the person is outside the field now seemingly living differently with a different way about them. Whilst they stay on the inside living just the same. The flock starts to individualise grasping at different conclusions and beliefs about what life means to them. In so doing they either re-affirm the status quo of their suffering mediocrity else become a bit braver and begin to wake up for themselves. 

an individualising sheep becoming a bit braver

The flock reverberates continuously with the changes until at last they all are free, or living dead at the hands of their addictive vices, mind numbing distractions and slovenly comforts, dependant on the choice they make.

Therefore to conclude, the purpose and mission of each of us is to disentangle from the flock, to heal ourselves and to support the healing of others. And whilst the actions of our mission may vary as we grow the purpose will always be the same. In the end however there is no flock, no us and no them, only ourselves waking up from the dream of this existence.

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