Often I see little dream clips playing in my minds eye. Some related to work, quite heavy and dark. I speak each day with lot's of people in my job and pick up on all sorts of emotional debris that lingers around my energy system, as what happens between us all. And because of this sometimes I see in my minds eye different situations play out in the life experience of the people I have spoken with during the day. Once I saw a group of people involved in paedophilia, this was the night after I was working in Govanhill, a place nearby here in Glasgow.
Frequently I see situations related to people I know and have relationship with too in my own life. I see little clips that give me insight into their inner sentiments and hidden actions. It's like an intelligence system that let's me see these things to give me an idea of what's going on and how to deal with it mostly in a silent way supportive of them. I see the emotional sentiments and hidden actions of people that show me when they're lying or of what circumstances they're involved in. Their relationships with other people, situations from their past and so on.
Once I saw someone on my facebook friends list that was in the same school as me. Sadly her family are a bit warped, her uncle has been sexually abusing her throughout her life to her family's full knowledge. Why I was shown this I don't know because I'm not in touch with her and there's nothing I can do.
Other times I see good things, more lighter and brighter. But whatever is seen is somewhat helpful none the less because it gives me deeper insight into the human experience. And I can learn to accept the sometimes gruesome absurdities of the dark without letting it drag me down or take hold so much. But it can be tiring relating every day with fraudsters, wife beaters, junkies, paedophiles, cheats, liars, rapists, and murders throughout the cities and towns of Scotland.
Of course nobody admits that they're any of these things but it's all there evident in the bio-energetic imprint of their soul. Cleaning up our own bio-energetic field from our dark emotional repressions and confusions allows for us to see more and to feel more of what's going on below the surface of our own and other peoples every day consciousness. It helps bring healing naturally to ourselves and other people.
Some people are walking dimensions of hell influencing and infecting the bio-energetic fields of others with the intensities of their selfish sentiments and emotional wounds. Others who have cleaned themselves up a bit may be more in between heaven and hell and so bring these lighter dimensions into the realities of other people, positively influencing and cleaning up the bio-energetic fields around them.
More about the Bio-Energetic fields of the body
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