Introduction to the unseen

We have a physical body and an energetic body that animates it. Most are aware only of the physical body because it can be touched and seen. But without knowledge of the energetic body most illnesses and discomforts go on unhealed, undetected and far less understood. The Science behind which our Doctors and Nurses operate is materially focused, so it's theories don't account for the existence of our energy body, and very little for our consciousness. Yet when we meet someone for the first time we get a feeling about them that's often very accurate without our even speaking a word. Or when we enter a room we can tell the mood of the place and of what's going on even before we see it all. It's in the vibe! Experienced by our energetic self and further interpreted by our senses and beliefs.


Love for-instance cannot be calculated by Science so to consider this only a product of ones thoughts activating the release of chemicals in the brain is awfully misguided. That's only half the story. Creativity and imagination, where does this come from, these intangible qualities of our human experience? People dismiss imagination as being "just our imagination" and therefore write off it's validity in experience. But imagination is the gateway to the non physical realm of creativity and potential. Everything that exists, that we made, first started in our imagination, with our brain and body acting as a conduit between the non physical and the physical realm of solid things. When we are going to do something, even just making dinner, we first conceptualise it as an image in our mind. We imagine it first then create it. It's not that hard to grasp yet so many of us fail to believe in such.

Understanding energy and learning about the intangible, the unseen and the unknown puts us in greater touch with our rightful evolution. Because imagination too is our gateway to Spiritual understanding. All of these Religions and Spiritual philosophies are not here in our world for no reason at all. Of course they cause all sorts of problems but that's just because we lack understanding of ourselves as a species and fail to get with the primary teachings of these great wise folk of our ages from which Religions sprang.

When understanding opens and we begin to see, question and experience the energetic and unseen there is caution to be had, because due to the suffering we've experienced in this world and the sheer boredom of the mundane sometimes it's so easy just to hang out escaping in the non physical world of our imagination and beliefs. And that's where many Hippy types, Religious folks, and Alternative thinkers get it wrong. The idea is to understand it all together integrating all aspects of ourselves in our existence.

We have a problem though, our energy body due to the nature of where we are at in our collective human experience is damaged. We are suffering at the hands of our lack of understanding. The pain and discomfort that we each feel and try to satiate in each moment through our distractions and dependencies shows the misalignment between our energetic and physical self. We're mostly physical, we've been taught to believe only what can be seen and touched. We didn't learn about imagination, love, relationships, and creativity when at School and in our workplace, yet it's so essential. We mostly have been moulded into the shape of our commercially driven materialistic society and it hurts! We've lost touch with nature so much so that it's being destroyed. We've become a cancer unto ourselves.

It's not good. The energy body has certain attributes that become blocked and distorted, clogged up by dark memories, emotional blobs and other aspects of the unseen. Damaged mostly by our psycho emotional repressions, sense of guilt, angers and tendencies of denial. We've become little crooked people with little crooked minds, leading little crooked life's in little crooked bodies. But it can be fixed! Learning more about the unseen nature of ourselves helps us heal and to understand. To integrate the energetic into the material and to therefore realise the true nature of ourselves and our potential.

We can train to see and to sense the energetic, to read our own bodies energy system and to heal ourselves and other people. We can reverse the ageing process and maintain a healthy life. And we can dive deeply into the unknown and create for ourselves a world of experiences far more exhilarating, life enhancing, and more deeply profound than anything material that we may ever care to buy.

My friend sent this video of Biochechemist Rupert Sheldrake doing a TED talk, it was banned! Check it out...

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