Our tendencies of procrastination come at the hands of the psycho-energetic wounding within ourselves. This needs to be healed. Especially if you want to be your best and live your dream.
As kids we were dependant on our parents, grown ups, teachers etc. They done everything for us and taught us how to deal with things. So we leaned on them emotionally getting their approval first before feeling safe and confident within ourselves to proceed.
Many of us have never gotten out of this dynamic and continue to look for safety and confidence through other people. And now that we're older we've lost part of our own wilfulness and capability as a result. Our power.
This loss is reflected in our psycho-energetic wounding, it's the heaviness and resistance we might feel whenever we try to move forward and get things done. At times we'd much rather somebody else done it for us eh?
This needs to be combated and healed.
This needs to be combated and healed.
Let's go...
Issues of safety and confidence relate to unconscious fear and self doubt which in turn results in physical sluggishness and a tendency to zone out in our comfort zones and procrastinate.
Sort out the safety part first because you'll never feel confident if you don't feel safe. Confidence is both reckless and groundless without safety. So instead of reaching for your dreams resolve first the current issues in your own life here and now.
Do you feel safe and secure in your living situation? If not then fix it. Live simply within your means and stay on top of all your bills. Don't lie, don't cheat, stay honest and responsible.
Do you feel happy and secure in your job? If not then fix it. Change your attitude about your current job else take another one that supports what you feel you need to improve upon to achieve your dreams. Even if it pays less.
How's your close relationships? Assess them and work out if they serve your or not. Scrutinize yourself before judging other people. Most of your crummy relationships are probably down to your own issues of dependency so let people fall away if need be and to your own self now be true.
Take care of yourself first before trying to please other people. Build the base you can rely on and from here you'll see the change. Your confidence will start to improve because you're no longer scared about surviving. Your finances are simple and your home life is secure.
Yes, you got it! |
Screw the ideals first and foremost. Ditch the planning. Anything that puts you under pressure probably isn't the right way to go. So forget the book, the screenplay, the organic vegetable farm, whatever. Keep it simple and these things might come later once you're better up and running.
Life is for living so get used to living first without trying to achieve anything. That way you'll avoid the guilty feeling related to procrastination that nags at you about having to get things done. Learn to burn through this impulse. Accept failure and defeat, but don't worry you're not going to give up overall. This is just a tactic to help keep you settled and your mind at peace.
If your living situation is okay and you can afford the basics for yourself then what is there to worry about? Go have some fun. Just be careful that you don't overindulge in your comforts, stay moderately disciplined and clear.
A lot of things we think we want to do in terms of our dreams are not really what we want to do. They're just the build up of impressions and ideals of what we think our dream should look like. Underneath all of this is a feeling in our heart that bursts to come out and needs to be shared. This is what's important. That underlying thing you know you need to do. The reason of your life.
It comes through bit by bit |
All your life challenges are preparing you for the expression of this. Thus you have two elements to consider, the physical practical element and the underlying inspiration. The underlying inspiration is the feeling that drives you, whilst the practical element is the arrangement of your life needed to help carry the inspiration out into the real world.
You may not yet be over all the challenges needed to make you and your life circumstance capable enough to live your dream. You will know within yourself what must still need to happen before you're ready. So continue on wherever you're at and try not to get upset if things haven't worked out for you yet. It will all come clear in due course so trust.
It's your confidence in the practical that you need to build up gradually for yourself as you grow because the inspiration never goes away. It's the practical things in life remember that your parents, teachers, and others you depended on pretty well done for you or dictated. So now you need to get back in responsible charge of all your life and put the effort in to every detail without leaving anything to chance.
You got the power! |
The challenge of fulfilling the practical elements is the crucible of which you burn into the real you. Burn away all of your ideals and allow the expression of you instead. Does that make sense? It's the feeling of your dream that is the dream itself. As you bring this feeling out into the world the practicalities will support it. This is the process we all need to go through.
Eventually your dream (the flow of inspiration) and the practical elements (self responsibility) will merge and instead of there being a painful gap of resistance that you need to fight against all the time to get things done you will naturally just do it without thinking. Your confidence will grow as your abilities strengthen and eventually the psycho-energetic wounding will be gone and with it the procrastinating tendency.
Doing the things you want to do will be easy and enjoyable and the inspiration will be sustained to get things done. You will be living the dream. But when you get there it won't all be rainbows and bliss, that's probably your ideals remember? However you'll be living the authentic you, happy, successful and content with life and love.
Ronnie Whittaker
Ronnie Whittaker
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