Compassion, self importance and the intellectual mind

My mum told me of some live webcasts going on just now with the Dalai Lama in discussion with some of the worlds foremost Scientists and Philosophers about various subjects related to Buddhist thought and Science. It sounded interesting but due to other commitments I've not had the free time to tune in.

Last night however during Dreamtime I saw the Dalai Lama and other Monks crying. They were shedding tears of compassion in relation to the feelings they had about the Scientists they were in discussion with.

The Scientists and Philosophers I saw in the scene were standing looking rather clueless and alone bunched together in grey cold looking suits. There was an air of resistance and self importance about them. They were scared. They weren't for opening up much to Bhuddist thought as that would mean a letting go of their own ideals, and ultimately their own sense self. So you can see why they were a bit scared.

At the same time however I noticed a sense of victimisation from the Buddhists. Their tears of compassion also carried within them a sense of helplessness and irresponsibility for themselves in relation to their own situation and ideals. Maybe they could consider nurturing their own Scientific community from their own culture instead of trying to change and influence others?


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